Outside, stories, tequila, bbqing, and mariachis.
I love these moments.
I love you, Loco
Happy Father's Day to you and all the other great dads out there.
Outside, stories, tequila, bbqing, and mariachis.
I love these moments.
I love you, Loco
Happy Father's Day to you and all the other great dads out there.
This past weekend I watched two of my friends share vows tieing them in matrimony. It was a great day, with many of our mutual friends there. Add that beautiful "open bar" that makes any wedding that much better and well, we celebrated well into the morning hours. But lets rewind a bit, to you know, that part where all the single people are dragged out to the dance floor and put on blast to do the ceremonial catching of the bouquet and garter. In hopes that in the next year, one "lucky" single person will find their special someone and join in on the married life.
I dont know what it is, but these things have a tracker beam to shoot right at me. Even with my back turned, hands in pocket and eyes closed. You guessed it. I'm the "winner". I believe it definitely keeps me single for another year. Make it 5 years if its from one one of my girls from the "Rubber Family". Obviously I've proven this tradition wrong or they simply have the opposite effect on me.
That being said. Cheers to being single for another 5 years!
This is Jason, J to me. We became friends when I was a sophomore and he was a junior in Highschool. I asked him for a ride home from Volleyball and ever since, we've been the best of friends. Many things have molded & changed us into the men we are today - school, travels, friends, women. All leading us to very different lives. He's a settled down husband and family man. Me, not so much. While so many things have changed these past 23 years, our friendship has remained constant and so has the way we celebrate each others birthdays.
An early surf sesh at one of our favorite breaks, San Onofre, Ca. followed by some beers, food and shit talking. I don't ever see this getting old, unlike us.
Happy Birthday, J
After a holiday weekend and a busy short week, needed a reset.
A boys night in
I finally made it. Lake Havasu, a large reservoir behind Parker Dam on the Colorado River, sitting on the border between California and Arizona. A place many of my friends for the past 15 + years have made their holiday weekend and summer destination. While I was planning international trips every one of my summers, I would hear the stories and see the pictures that would come of Havasu weekends. Part of me always wanted experience the river for two reasons, I love new experiences and something kept bringing them back. But alas, I never had a friend with his own boat or was chosen as one of few guy spots available on the boat. And I wasn't going to go to the river just to party at bars. Lame.
Well thanks to my friends Bobby and Julio, that changed this Memorial day weekend. I got the invite and I took it. I must say that I loved being in a beautiful place of nature, enjoying time with friends, meeting new faces, jumping in the water, adult beverages and being surrounded by beautiful landscapes as pictured "the Gorge". Now toss in some fun bars & mankind's biggest baddest toys- taking music, power, speed and excitement to all sorts of highs. This clash of worlds reminded me of weekends in Glamis. Which is also a really good time (if you have friends with said toys).
While I still would suggest to many to constantly indulge in new adventures. I always knew the river would be a good time, I finally got to experience it for myself and know why it draws so many back year after year. I would much rather do this than say Vegas.
I got the Havasu crew approval and I look forward to future trips, to do it all over again with these peeps. It was a great weekend! I hope yours was as well.
Its almost Summer and you know what that means, school is finishing up. For close to 400,000 young adults, it's time to graduate with at least an associate's degree from an American college or university. I was lucky enough to capture one beautiful girls Senior Portraits.
Congrats to Meg on a bachelors in liberal studies and to the rest of the class of 2015.
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." - Dr. Suess, Oh the places you'll go.
Our Family's glue. Our #1 Love. Our Nurturer. Our Queen. Our Mom.
But I'll always be her baby.
Proud, Mamas Boy :)
Te Amo Mami. #MothersDay2015
I had a great time this past weekend exploring the Bay Area with this one. When asked what I wanted to see while I visited, I threw out a couple suggestions and obviously she had a couple of her own. We revisited some familiar places and some I had never seen before. We just put our walking shoes on and explored as much of the city as our time and feet allowed. One of the highlights and new to both of us, was the majestic redwood forest of Muir Woods. Its a National Park just north of the Golden Gate Bridge in Mill Valley, California.
Muir Woods provides a terrific opportunity to see some of the oldest, tallest most amazing trees in the country. It is one of the most popular San Francisco attractions and its stunning beauty is a key reason that nearly one million people visit Muir Woods each year. When John Muir learned that William and Elizabeth Kent were naming a redwood forest near San Francisco in his honor, he declared, "This is the best tree-lovers monument that could possibly be found in all the forests of the world."
It did not disappoint. We must have easily hiked ten miles that day, branching off onto the next trail every time we came to a fork. By the end of the day we were out of water, tired, and no idea where our car was. But our smiles were huge. Thanks for a great adventure, Shawna!
With California facing one of the most severe droughts on record, we were greeted with some overdue rainfall yesterday. Now we only need about 100 more days of it. Work your magic, Mother Nature. We need more of that shit.
In case you were curious.
Does 420 Commemorate the death of Bob Marley? - No
Does 420 refer to the number of chemicals in cannabis ? - No (315)
Does 420 refer to a police radio code? - No
Does it refer to "teatime" in Holland, when cannabis smokers light up? No
Does 420 come from the Bob Dylan Song "Rainy day woman" - No
The true birth of 420 dates back to the early 1970s, when it became the hour of cannabis consumption among high school students in San Rafael. Even in mellow Marin County, stronghold of the Grateful Dead, no concessions were made to allow puffing during school hours.
So a group of stoners calling themselves "the Waldos" — because they liked to hang out in front of a wall — would pass each other in the halls, exchanging knowing glances and muttering "420 Louis!" One told the San Francisco Chronicle in 2000, "It was just a joke, but it came to mean all kinds of things, like, 'Do you have any?' or 'Do I look stoned?' " They used 420 as a code word for their activities and the time said activities would take place.
The group met in front of the statue of 19th-century French scientist Louis Pasteur, as well as other spots on school grounds, to get high at 4:20 p.m. It's said that the pack of teens would sometimes roam the campus, searching for a rumored marijuana patch.
The term "420" was widely in use by the end of the 1970s. Deadheads spread it outward like a virus from their San Rafael ground zero. Within a decade, pot smokers were using it across the country and around the world.
Various members of the Waldos have surfaced over the years, showing letters with postmarks from the 1970s that refer to "420" to authenticate their claims. Sources as reputable as Wikipedia and Snopes.com have also confirmed this origin story.
To those who partake in the sticky icky, be safe and enjoy y/our "Holiday".
We loaded up an ice chest, some bags, my gear and went on a little photo adventure yesterday in Wrightwood, Ca. After a few hikes, slips, scrapes, unknown dirt roads, ladders, tracks, dirt, beers, tunes and lots of laughs. We came away with a great little adventure. Even managed to get a couple really sweet shots. I'll take this kind of Sunday Funday, anytime.
This also marks the halfway point of the 52 project. Time really does fly and I find myself really happy that I did this. Not only has it given me added purpose to always bring my camera out, practice and try new things. But I now have a journal of my favorite moments from each week. Looking forward to what else I learn, experience and get to share here in the second half. Thank you to those that have enjoyed following along.
Its been a little over two and half years since I've been to Sin City. I used to be there for any kind of Holiday or excuse with my friends, the "Rubber Crew" (You should only be so lucky to have been around at this time) to party. But that last few times the excitement and fun of it all, just wasn't there. So when my boy, Brandon, who Ive known since the old days set his Bachelor party to be in Vegas. I knew.
An awesome group of friends came together to send off our Boy and did we ever. I would write a detailed blog of the insane times we made from pools > Clubs > After hours, that is, if I remembered. But even if I did, I can't. Because everyone knows the #1 Vegas Rule!
Cheers to the 18 men in the desert, who had a trip they can't remember, but will never forget!
Can't wait to see you two tie the knot, B & M.
These two broads kidnapped me! They got a cabin and made Samson and I drive them to Mammoth for some spring boarding. Oh and to celebrate my Birthday. 😊
What a great 4 days with these two long time friends. Cup-o-noodles, Shotski, Loose snowboards, Angry Ski Patrol, escorted down, Chair lift operators, Lakanuki, the Lakanuki ditch, empty dance floors, ty the bartender, Samson, Clap Video, bomb food at the Mammoth Tavern, Moscow Mules, convict lake, it snowed, Mimosas and they didn't even get mad at my ditching them on the Mountain.
Most of those are inside jokes that we will be laughing about for many years to come. Thanks again, Wifey and Snowflake. Love you lots!
Big thanks to everyone who came out last Saturday to celebrate my Birthday. Wish I got a group pic with everyone that made it out, but this will have to do. All of you rock, (those who couldn't make it, still rock) I had such a great day. I couldn't ask for better friends, cheers!
Everyone who knows me pretty much knows I hate Baseball. But when it comes to this little guy right here, my love trumps my hate. Every time.
Benji didn't disappoint either, he nailed a triple for his Ninong ( Godfather in Filipino)
Its been a little over two years since I had last seen my amazing and beautiful friend, Kelly. So when she told me at the beginning of the year that she was going to come visit, I couldn't have been happier. We packed in some good times in those 3 days, from the beach to a Karma party. As always, we had a blast. Hope its not another two years before we see each other again. Miss my friend already.
Its a normal day, plans set for the week ahead. Then it happens. Word of an impending storm on the way. Doesn't mean much for most people. But to others, its as if the Bat Signal gets launched into the sky. You're dialing your friends 7 digits, doesn't matter where they are. They could be in San Fran on a romantic getaway, working, or you know they already have plans set for the weekend. SNOW is coming.
Within hours, plans are changed, GFs'/Bosses/Friends are understanding, cabins are booked, every seat in the car is taken and now you're a couple days away from storm chasing. It all comes together. It all comes falling out of the sky. Its this very winter moment you look forward to all year. Being on your favorite Mountain, with friends and that sweet, sweet, fresh pow.
Its just so good when it hits your lips.
On Tuesday, I had to drop off some sample products for one of my office clients in Tijuana, Mexico. But whats a trip to TJ without driving down to Puerto Nuevo for some Lobster and enjoying a beautiful ocean view.
While most trips down to TJ have been with my friends, my best bud and I decided to surprise our parents and take them along. While both of us have memories of first being taken to this small lobster town by them as kids, it was great to return the treat to them. And what a treat this fella was.
Usually Mid-Winter you expect cooler weather, dare I say, cold. A few storms, some rain/snow, dark clouds and being bundled up inside. Not here in our beautiful So-Cal. Yet another Winter weekend in the 80s. Perfect weather to grab a friend, your fur babies and spend the day outside.
While I want that cold weather and snow to be in the forecast, you just can't be too upset at days like this.
This past Friday I had a relatively open day, except for a morning meeting in downtown, Los Angeles. So the night before I called my Pops and asked if he wanted to come out of retirement, join me for the meeting and after we could spend the day together.
He obliged
We had a great day, sold some sugar, cultured ourselves up with a visit to LACMA and had a delicious meal at Beverly Tofu in, Koreatown. I feel really fortunate to still have my Parents around. Hate to admit it, but I spent the better part of my 20s hanging with friends and exes.
But in my 30s, I have learned more about them then I had all the years prior. I make them pose for pictures, take them on outings. Spend real quality time with them. Reality is, they won't be around forever. But memories like this day, will last a lifetime.