I had a great time this past weekend exploring the Bay Area with this one. When asked what I wanted to see while I visited, I threw out a couple suggestions and obviously she had a couple of her own. We revisited some familiar places and some I had never seen before. We just put our walking shoes on and explored as much of the city as our time and feet allowed. One of the highlights and new to both of us, was the majestic redwood forest of Muir Woods. Its a National Park just north of the Golden Gate Bridge in Mill Valley, California.
Muir Woods provides a terrific opportunity to see some of the oldest, tallest most amazing trees in the country. It is one of the most popular San Francisco attractions and its stunning beauty is a key reason that nearly one million people visit Muir Woods each year. When John Muir learned that William and Elizabeth Kent were naming a redwood forest near San Francisco in his honor, he declared, "This is the best tree-lovers monument that could possibly be found in all the forests of the world."
It did not disappoint. We must have easily hiked ten miles that day, branching off onto the next trail every time we came to a fork. By the end of the day we were out of water, tired, and no idea where our car was. But our smiles were huge. Thanks for a great adventure, Shawna!