2015 marks the 15th anniversary of the "More than Sundance" snowboard trip. Held by my friends older brother, Vu and his friend Chris. What started as a couple buddies heading to Sundance to board long ago, has now turned into a full on 50+ ppl, 5 day boarding trip. This year was my 5th attending. What they put together is a top notch, no hassle trip that everyone has come to enjoy. With most coming back, year after year. Why wouldn't we? All we have to worry about is our flight and waking up in the morning to make the bus. In return we all get to have a great time, with great people, enjoy the best film festival in the states and last but definitely not least, play in the greatest snow on earth! For two guys to put this all together for no gains other than to share a great weekend with friends and friends of friends, are two class acts.
Already looking forward to next years trip, Jan 27-31st 2016!